HNN - Royal Medal Ceremony

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 07. September 2008 - 15:51:48hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0


Once again the Hapan News Network’s logo and theme music begin to play as the lovely image of Anacia Chalcedon fills your screen. Behind her you can see that a jubilant crowd is gathered outside of Lorell Hall; crowd control barriers form a path through those closest to the steps into the hall, while Hapan banners and streamers fly throughout the assemblage.

“Good morning loyal citizens of the Hapes Consortium. We break into our regularly scheduled programming to bring you live coverage of today’s Royal Medal Ceremony. It’s expected that, now that the changes in the Royal Council itself have occurred, several of its members will be rewarded for their service. These particular medals of recognition are expected to be rare given that the King himself is scheduled to present most of them. Prime Minister Gane Lant is now approaching the podium, let’s go directly inside Lorell Hall.”

The scene changes to that of the interior of Lorell Hall. With the grand dome high above, an ornate podium has been placed central to the room. Leaders of every area of government, the premier citizens of Hapes, as well as the military brass of the RHAF line the walls and fill the chairs. The members of the Royal Council are seated behind the podium, along with Lord Kadrim, Commander Carrie Jade, and King Jessy James. Prime Minister Lant begins to speak at the podium:

“Your Majesty, Your Excellencies, members of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces, ladies and gentlemen… It is not often that we pause in our governance to recognize those who do so at the highest levels. During this time of transition in the Royal Council, His Majesty has seen fit to recognize a few individuals who have made unique and immeasurable contributions to the Cluster and to its people.

First I’d like for Commander Jade, the Minister Lord Alex Tylger, and Minister Ariath Windcloud to join me. It is my pleasure to award you, Commander Jade, on behalf of his Majesty, your Golden Wings for your continued reliability and loyalty to the Crown. You have all our thanks for your unique service to the people of Hapes.”
Lord Lant pins the medal on the Commanders uniform and smiles as she returns to her place next to the Lords.

“Lord Tylger, it is my pleasure to award you your Golden Wings as well, for your service to the crown in the area of Hapan culture. Your service will allow the grand history and culture of Hapes to be passed to our children and our children’s children.” Pinning the medal on Lord Tylger’s chest, he shakes his hand and nods to the Lord.

“Minister Windcloud, you have served honorably as the Minister of External Affairs. Now you move into your new position as Minister of Intelligence, a vital post as well. For your excellent service I present to you, on behalf of a grateful Sovereign, the Medal of Thanks.” The Prime Minister pins the medal on the Minister’s chest, and gives him a hearty handshake.

“Congratulations to you all. And now to continue our presentations personally, ladies and gentlemen, I give you His Royal Highness, King Jessy James.” The crowd erupts into applause as King James stands and approaches the podium. Dressed in his ceremonial uniform, the King looks over the assembled group sitting on the stage and smiles.

“Fellow Hapans… while that phrase applies to us all here, I think it takes a special meaning when I say it to all of you on this stage with me. Fellow Hapans, you have served the Consortium and the Crown selflessly and loyally, and for that I am grateful. Today you are being recognized for that hard work and dedication. Commander Jade, please join me again at the podium. You have shown that no matter the cause of the need, you can be counted on to serve faithfully. For that reason I present you with the Medal of Service. Congratulations!” As King James finishes pinning the medal onto Carrie’s uniform she reaches out and hugs him spontaneously, thankful for the recognition and award. Then slightly blushing she returns to her chair.

“And that’s why she never gets to stay a Minister. No, I’m only kidding. Lord Tylger and Lord Kadrim please join me as well. You both have exhibited the core values of what it means to be Hapan. The words valor, bravery, glory, and pride are not a simple motto. They are examples to follow and principles to live by. The people in this room, and watching at home, have in each of you been able to observe the essence of Hapan life. I’ve observed it as well, and as such I award you each the Medal of VBGP.” As the crowd applauds generously both Lords receive their new medals. Then as the applause begins to die down they head back to their seats.

“Just a moment Lord Kadrim. There is one more award to be given today.” The newly tanned, and now Deputy Minister, Lord Kadrim stops and turns to face the King. “To say that you have been an effective Minister of Intelligence over the past few years would do you a disservice. The position is one of the most difficult to excel at, yet you have done just that. For your level of excellence, your loyalty, and your time as Minister of Intelligence I present you with Hapes’ highest award, The Medal of Honor.” His Majesty opens an ornate box containing the award, and raises it for the crowd to see. With all the dignity due the occasion he pins the medal onto Lord Kadrim’s chest and shakes his hand as royal photographers snap photographs to commemorate the ceremony. The crowd, following the lead of the Royal Council, rises to its feet to give Lord Kadrim a standing ovation. His Majesty gestures to the entire Council as the applause continues.

“His Majesty the King!” calls out the Prime Minister as the applause continues. After some time the scene shifts again to the studios of the HNN as Anacia Chalcedon turns toward the camera.

“A fantastic ceremony to be sure today at Lorell Hall. This concludes today’s special report on the Royal Medal Ceremony. Thank you for watching and good day.” The logo of the HNN appears and begins to fade as the theme music plays. Your regularly scheduled programming then continues.

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