News Flash

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 19. November 2002 - 13:32:44hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The image on the screen is replaced and you see a reporter standing in front of a large fire. In the bottom left you see a title bar saying:
'Horror Smash In The Skies of Coruscant'
The reporter starts to speak.
"I am currently at Coruscant at the site of a terrible wreck. Just moments ago, during Coruscant's peak hour, a speeder lost control and crossed into the path of incoming traffic. It's still not clear what happened next, but by the size of the wreck here, it seems that the speeder collided with another. Both speeders then fell about 500 meters crossing two other lanes before crashing into the Coruscant Fashion Quarter."
He turns to the side and the view widens to reveal another person as well as the extent of the damage.
"Can you tell me what happened here?"
"Well I first heard a loud explosion in the sky and I looked up. A big ball of flame was there and from the bottom came the wreckage, and the next thing I knew, I was running for cover as the wreckage headed straight for me."
"Was anyone underneath the crash when it occurred?"
"Yeah, there was a market stall set up right below it. Unfortunately, the owners didn't react in time..."
"Thank you."
The reporter holds a hand up to his hear and nods slightly as if a secret was being whispered into his ear.
"I've received more information. It seems that one speeder was a Sorosuub S-37 and the other a Ubrikkian Y2-2. It is still unclear what the cause of the accident was or how many beings were involved. I'll have more information as it unfolds. Back to you in the studio."

- Liat Shiel

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