HNN - Royal Address

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 23. Febuary 2011 - 18:59:50hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

The emblem of the Hapan News Network appears on screen, followed by the standard introduction sequence and theme song. "22 hours a day, 240 days a year: the Hapan News Network and the Hapan Evening with your host, Anacia Chalcedon! Sponsored by the Department of Culture, Truth and Enlightenment! Trust DCTE!" As the introduction ends, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen. She gives a graceful smile before she begins to speak.

"Good day.

This week the Consortium marked the one year anniversary of King James' retirement and abdication of the Hapan Throne. King Alexander assumed monarchial powers immediately following the announcement, though the Consortium observed the traditional 'Month of the Vacant Throne' before the official coronation ceremony took place in March. In honor of the anniversary, the King is scheduled to address the citizens of the Hapes Consortium in a live broadcast shortly.

The Hapan News Network has learned that the Rai'ix Chume intends to speak about major events that marked the last year, as well as his plans and prospects for the future. A ceremony is planned for the days following the speech, paying tribute to numerous Hapans he has deemed worthy of public recognition for their efforts over the last twelve months.

According to experts, His Majesty has done his utmost to shape the role of the Crown in his own image. For most of his first year in power the King, a descendant of the Pal'durath dynasty, has taken an active role in the day-to-day affairs of the government and attempted to streamline the bureaucracy for maximum efficiency. Sources inside the Fountain Palace say that the monarch spent much of his time in meetings with the members of the councils of Lorell Hall, as well as military officials. To help ease the workload, the King recently appointed Andrew Starfyre to chair the Royal Council as Fel`da Regalix.

We are told the speech is about to begin and now take you live to the Fountain Palace on Hapes Prime!"

The screen cuts away from Chalcedon and reveals the press conference chamber of the Royal Hapan Palace. A blue curtain covers the wall, decorated with the emblem of the palace, as well as two gold and blue banners carrying the crest of Hapan royalty. The King, dressed in a black Royal Court uniform heavily adorned with a blue sash, medals, and order insignias, stands behind a centered podium. The lights dim and a spotlight fixes on him before he begins to speak.

"Saroon basgim, Hapes.

A year has passed since King James announced his retirement to the public. The transition between rulers can be strenuous and hard as people must adapt to procedures and measures initiated by the new regime. However, the Hapes Consortium has overcome and transcended such initial hardship thanks to the steadfast institutional stability that has been built over the past decade.

In many ways the last year has been a trial by fire, especially for the men and women of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. At Uogo'cor, our forces helped extinguish the flames of rebellion set by the brutal and murderous Cron Resurrection that was threatening the Tion Hegemony. In Aweris, our military service personnel - in co-operation with the Trade Federation - helped foil the efforts of foreign parties that were seeking to undermine our territorial integrity. In Hosrel, we joined forces with the Trade Federation yet again to protect our economic interests in a time of crisis. Three military conflicts in less than a year, all in which the military demonstrated to our allies, as well as enemies, the discipline of our personnel and the potency and versatility of our armed forces. You are to be commended for your honorable conduct, and for bringing pride and glory to the Hapes Consortium.

In our efforts to further strengthen and solidify our armed forces, we have seen the introduction of numerous new ship types that will ensure our technical superiority over foreign powers that may seek to infringe upon our sovereignty. Super Star Destroyers are entering regular service throughout the Hapes Cluster, as are Interdictor Cruisers and other support craft that will complement our vast arsenal of fighting machines, and help ensure our supreme dominance over our serene corner of space in the years ahead. Thanks to the experiences we gained in our recent military campaigns, and the efforts of our military high command, our tactical booklets and training programs are being updated and renewed so that we may be well prepared for any future conflict. Additionally, plans are underway to further fortify the Hapes Cluster against foreign powers in this ever-changing Galaxy.

In the councils of Lorell Hall, the upper chambers of the Hapan government have been busy at work over the last twelve months. With stricter rules regarding participation and contribution to debates, the Royal Council has had a productive year where the future direction of Hapes has been an important topic of debate. The Council's top priority has been to ensure that the Consortium retains and improves its structural solidity in the coming years. Of note is the Ministry of the Interior's efforts to improve and expand our legal system to ensure it reflects the present state of Hapan society, that Hapans will be sufficiently protected and covered by our laws, and that structural pillars are firmly embedded in our legal system for the coming generations. Further commendable have been the Ministry of Industry's efforts to expand the Consortium's economic base and to keep the Council up to date in its vast array of projects across the Cluster. These undertakings are all cogs in the intricate machinery that drives the Hapan civilization forward, and their importance cannot be stressed enough. Meanwhile, the Ministry of External Affairs has been reaching out to the Galaxy at large in order to establish dialogue and positive relations with powers with which we have had little or no contact. The policy of this regime is to maintain our relative isolationism and keep largely to our own affairs, but simultaneously ensure that we are not beyond reach. The Hapes Consortium will continue to do its part to contribute to the relative stability of interstellar relations and to nurture peaceful diplomatic ties where possible.

The past year marked the fourth anniversary of the Imperial Union and the one year anniversary of our alliance with the Trade Federation. It also saw the expansion of the Union with the admittance of the Tion Hegemony as its fifth proper member state. Through the Union we saw the perks and benefits of companionship and support in the operations at Uogo'cor, Hosrel and Aweris, where all member states did their part to contribute to a positive outcome. With the ascension of Emperor Cherokee and the summit at Coruscant a few months ago, the Imperial Union has gained much new momentum. We have refined the structure and future prospects of our collaboration in order to ensure mutual security in the event of future conflicts. The Hapes Consortium continues to be thankful for the gracious donation of strategically important technology, both military and industrial, from our allies in the Galactic Empire and Trade Federation. As part of the ongoing effort of strengthening the Union, the Hapes Consortium is now in turn providing spare military craft to the Tion Hegemony's armed forces, logistical vessels to their industrial divisions, and devoting our vast industrial complexes to help build up their self-sufficiency in the coming years.

As part of the efforts to plan for the future, Daein was designated as the site for the Consortium's next ecumenopolis. While Gormoth and Haradan ensured that the state coffers were filled with taxes paid by their wealthiest inhabitants since the completion of planetary development in 4034, the Royal Council was in agreement that another project would have to be undertaken. The factors leading to this decision were numerous, but of particular note was the decreased total revenue from taxes last year as a consequence of the galactic economic crisis, as well as the expansion of the military with more ships that require not only maintenance but also crewmen. The combined efforts of the Ministry of Industry and the Royal Hapan Armed Forces to make Daein a reality will ensure the stability of the Hapan economy in the coming years. It is not for the mere comfort of padding our coffers, but an economic necessity.

Governance over the Hapes Cluster's multiplex of worlds has been a controversial subject in Lorell Hall ever since the end of the Hapan Civil War. During the Phoenix Era and the age of King Andrew, the standing of the nobility, save for newly appointed and non-heredity members of the Tarii, was largely diminished and their influence phased out. During the reign of King James, the Consortium experienced an expansion of the Tarii to the point where most of our worlds were part of Tarii dominions. With a recession in the number of politically active members of the Tarii, We have sought to return to Our roots by reinstating the nobility's role in governance of the Cluster's vast regions. The Pal'durath dynasty and Our Draconian ancestors led by Princess Da'tanah firmly believed in the importance of adhering to the Tini'duran doctrines instated in the 700s, which firmly instated the nobility as a cornerstone of the Hapan civilization. We are firmly committed to an effort to restore what was a pivotal part of Hapan culture and society for thousands of years. The begin this process, several tiers of nobility will open up for new appointments with varying degrees of influence and authority dependent on titles. The finer details of which are still being debated in the Royal Council to ensure there is no conflict between the interests of our economic, industrial, and military divisions and that of our future nobility.

Furthermore, the Royal Council is taking steps to improve relations between Lorell Hall and lower ranking citizens. Often the Royal Court, Lorell Hall, and the High Command can seem distant and aloof to the needs and concerns of citizens and subjects. Consequently, We wish to reinstate the post of Ombudsman as a duly elected official of the people, to serve as a relay between the higher and lower tiers of our society. In the past, the position had varying degrees of success and was highly dependent on the initiatives of the person holding the office. However, the responsibility proved to be a tremendous opportunity for innovative individuals seeking to prove their resourcefulness and leadership capability. Of the ten who held the position, four would later go on to serve on the Royal Council, and one in the High Command. When the office is reinstated, all citizens wishing to make a mark on the Hapan civilization should consider it an opportunity. Additionally, those who do not seek to run should consider the future Ombudsman their representative among the Consortium's leadership and a resource at their disposal that strengthens the fabric of this great society.

One of Our loyal subjects asked Us to address the topic of the past year's changes to Lorell Hall's membership, and how to interpret such transitions. The answer is both complex and simple at the same time. With three monarchs in the past four decades, the Hapes Consortium has, thankfully, enjoyed a very stable governance, which is an inherent and positive trait of our great society. Regardless, the Royal Council has always been in flux, as the honorable Fel`da and Tarix have moved between positions to improve other parts of the Hapan government, or to retire. However, as We ascended the Throne, the Consortium found itself at a crossroads with a need for a new direction, and Our government is still adapting to this. Much of the old guard that shaped the Consortium under King James have stepped aside; Some to make way for the young, and some to enjoy well earned retirement following lengthy years of heavily burdened service. It is those of you who are presently working your way up, that will be the next great generation of the Consortium. The current members of the Royal Council were all appointed after last year's coronation and bring fresh minds, with the willingness and drive to form the future of the Hapes Consortium, which reflects the ambitions and dedication of those presently serving in lower tiers of Hapan society. We are glad to have them as representatives of Our new regime. While the old hawks provided a comfortable stability, Hapan politics could easily grow stale and complacent, where treading water is commonplace. We expect much of the Royal Council and will continue to hold them to the standard of excellence that is required of our lower ranking citizens. If someone fails to contribute at a level that We deem sufficient, they will be replaced. Our hope is that rather than replacing the Fel`da and Fel`ta with individuals whose motivation has been drained and have had their time to shine, We can allow new stars to rise and begin to forge new legends and leaders for the coming decade.

Each new era comes with this sort of challenge, for better or worse. As the Gallinore Accords were signed and the Hapan Civil War brought to an end, many who had shaped the destiny of Hapan society over the preceding fifty years had to move aside for the next generation, those unspoiled by ancient rivalries, hindering ambitions and lack of innovative ideas for how to improve the reunified Consortium. Even so, We are thankful for those faithful veterans who continue to give the Consortium their all in shaping a better future. As we move in to the years ahead, every Hapan citizen should consider the relationship between the leadership and junior ranks a symbiosis. Leadership is not merely about giving orders and aloof administration, it is about mentorship, passing on knowledge and standards, and grooming future successors. Equally so, lower ranking officers should always look to the leadership for guidance in how to improve the performance of their duties and responsibilities, for advice on how to face and embrace new challenges and rise to the occasion. Always remember that you represent the Consortium in everything you do. You should strive to maintain standards of excellence at all times and your actions should reflect your part in the collective whole.

The past year has been one of adjustment, progress and development. Defunct ideas were discarded and new ones were formed to improve our society. We can only hope that the Consortium continues the same trend in the years to come, and that every Hapan does his or her part. The very essence of life is meeting and overcoming challenges, trials and tribulations. It is the only way we learn to grow as a people. Sense the spirit, seize the age. Cheer your path and celebrate tomorrow's glory days. Go forth, Hapans, and bring honor and pride to the great Hapes Consortium!

Te'ta'xida li te cocsasb."

The lights dim and the screen fades to black...

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