Hapan Students Cream of the Crop

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 28. December 2002 - 05:11:11hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

As the final semester of the year ends, final-year Hapan students have proven to be some of the galaxy's brightest young minds, with some of them even outdoing the Galactic Empire's finest academics.

On recieving this news, the Minister for Education, Heinrich Fuller, announced that, while Hapan students may be the best in the galaxy, there was still no excuse for future students to slacken off.

After making these comments, the Minister immediately drafted a submission to the Hapan Senate, asking for an extra 40% allotance to the education budget.

In other education related news, applications for scholarships at the Royal Naval Academy are booming, as more and more citizens see the future of naval service as more than just a career. One recent applicant was quoted as saying "I just want to serve the King, and more importantly, the mighty Consortium!"
This statement reflected the views of almost the entire student body.

We'll be back with more news after these messages...

- Marcus Bayne

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