HNN - Housing Development

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 04.Sep.2012 - 22:22hrs Author Anacia Chalcedon Comments: 0

The cheerful theme melody of the Hapan News Network`s Evening News begins as images from the Hapes Consortium`s worlds flash across the screen. As the segment comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen in front of the backdrop of the Castle of Per`Agthra.

"Greetings, Hapes! This is the Hapan Evening bringing you the latest news from around the Consortium.

Tonight's top story: Lorell Hall has announced that motion was recently tabled regarding more urban development on several key planets across the Hapes Cluster.

The project aims to provide a variety living arrangements for personnel of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces, the government, as well as Crown Corporations. The formal proposal was positively received by the members of the Royal Council and is in the process of being drafted as proper legislation. Development is set to begin as soon as the so-called Homestead Act is completed and the proper resources can be set aside for the urbanizations. While exact locations of these urban hubs have not been finalized, multiple sites in several of the Hapes Cluster's regions are being considered.

The idea of government funded housing for those serving in the various official branches of the Consortium has been proposed several times over the years, but has not come to fruition. A Lorell Hall spokesman stated that the recent proposal stemmed from a lengthy document submitted to the Royal Council by Commodore Jake Roke, pitching several promising ideas that have been discussed at length by the members of the Consortium's senior government chamber. The spokesman went on to say 'The Royal Council had also noted recurring public interest in this project, so when Commodore Roke brought a well thought-out idea to the table, it was easier to begin the work of drafting a concrete proposal.'

While the exact specifications of the Homestead Act have not been released to the public, Chume`Dan insiders note that the type and size of housing will be tied directly to either length of service to the Crown or civilian rank tier, and could also come to include rights to make use of local docking bays and warehouse facilities for the sake of storing personal assets.

Lorell Hall has stated that a number of tabled motions will tie in to the Homestead Act and that these are due to be announced in the coming weeks. Consequently, the Civilian Act is slated to be revised to reflect the new perks and privileges of citizenship.

The Hapan News Network will bring you more updates on this story as it progresses."

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