HNN - Breaking News From Endara Reclaim Industries

Category: National Broadcasted on 07.Apr.2013 - 22:01hrs Author Har Tay Comments: 0

The introductory sequence for the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen as the disembodied voice of Hapan news anchor Anacia Chalcedon speaks, “Today we bring you breaking news from the headquarters of Endara Reclaim Industries in the Ket system, ERI President and CEO Tovakinpi Tarix Toshikhan is about to begin a press conference, here he comes.”

The camera zooms in as the Tarix, dressed in a black pinstripe suit steps up the podium, “Thank you for joining us today on the industrial world of Ket. About a year ago I was approached by our King Alex Tylger and asked to take over Endara Reclaim Industries. I was given a single mission; utilize any means necessary to upgrade the infrastructure, the personnel, and the operations of Endara Reclaim and bring it to be an industrial powerhouse of the Consortium. I am here today to announce on the progress of that mission. Since I have taken over the company, hundreds of additional recycling crews have been employed and are utilized across the Cluster; notable operations on Hapes, Lorell, and Lovala have taken place.

I would right now like to thank two individuals who have stepped up to the increased job demands in this company and have done an excellent job in leading large scale wrecking crews across the cluster.

Mantra Sardis and Ian Stewart, in recognition of your efforts over the last year I am proud to award each of you a letter of Industrial Achievement.

While I have mentioned operations and infrastructure the hardest part of the mission is that of personnel. Dedicated leaders who can be trusted to lead one of Hapes’s Nationalized Factions are hard to find. In my initial discussions with King Tylger we agreed that I need to find a person of this caliber and train him in the specifics of running Endara Reclaim. I am proud today to announce that that individual has been found and his readiness in taking control of Endara Reclaim Industries has been demonstrated and confirmed by both myself and the Crown. I am proud to announce that effective immediately I am stepping down as President and CEO of Endara Reclaim Industries and Alarendor Cyrus will be replacing me. Thank you.”

As Tovakinpi closes, he gestures to Alarendor, who stands as the audience in Endara Reclaim's press hall applauds both the former's accomplishments and the latter's appointment. They shake hands and Tovakinpi symbolically hands Alarendor the keycard to his office. Alarendor then steps up to the podium himself.

"Thank you, Tarix Toshikhan. I would first like to thank those of the Royal Council and Tarix Toshikhan in placing their trust in me to lead ERI into a new era and to achieve the goals set by the crown. I would like to state that I will do my utter best to continue that singular mission that the crown has placed on my predecessor, further expanding its industrial capacity to maintain Endara Reclaim as one of the top recycling factions in the galaxy. Thank you."

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