Leadership Changes in MoEA

Category: Breaking Broadcasted on 29.May.2013 - 16:03hrs Author Kimberly Tylger Comments: 0

The familiar introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen. She smiles warmly before she begins to speak. “We have breaking news from Lorell Hall. We cross live to the Fel`da of External Affairs, Kimberly Pelin`a Tylger, is holding a news conference, with Tarix Chume Lant in attendance.”

The screen fades into an image of the Princess standing in front of a podium, dressed in a simple black pantsuit. She clears her throat briefly before beginning to speak. “Shortly after his coronation my father invited me to leave the work that I was doing and return to Hapes. As I was determined to be independent, initially I refused. Nearly a year later, however, and there I was, coming in to work as an Ambassador for External Affairs. Under my father's tutelage, I have worked hard to build lasting relationships with other governments and to build the ministry to its former glory. Nothing has given me greater pleasure than serving the Consortium these past two years. In due time I took in another ambassador, one who showed great promise and who I eventually promoted to work as my Fel`ta. It now gives me great pleasure to announce that Fel`ta Crawford will be stepping up into the position of Fel`da of External Affairs. In the past three months since his appointment as Fel`ta, Evan has taken nearly full reign of the ministry. While my attention and time was largely consumed by the founding of the Galactic Concordiate, Evan continued to negotiate several important Non-aggression pacts. He has hired two envoys and begun work on several other important projects. He will be a great asset to the Royal Council. Congratulations Fel`da Crawford.”

Before anyone has an opportunity to think of dispersing, the Lord Regent rises from his place and approaches the podium. "Our King recently made the effort, despite his illness, to attend the Galactic Concordiate gala to celebrate the expansion of the alliance and reaffirm Hapes's commitment to its cause. In spite of this, Alex is unfortunately still too ill to represent Hapes to the galactic community as he has done so skilfully in the past. His daughter, Princess Kimberly, has filled his shoes in taking on this additional responsibility on top of serving us as Fel'da of External Affairs. While she may now be stepping down from her ministerial duties, she will continue to be her father's daughter and, as Pelin`a Hapesah, stand in for her royal father and be his voice in galactic diplomacy and politics. With the appointments here today, I am looking for to seeing a new era for Hapes's External Affairs."

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