HNN - Changes in ERI and Ministry of Industry

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 09.Jul.2013 - 05:23hrs Author Anacia Chalcedon Comments: 0

The introductory melody of the Hapan News Network begins, with images from the Consortium`s worlds flash across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, a stylistic change to the channel`s design is apparent. Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen before the backdrop of the Endara Reclaim Industries logo. She smiles before addressing the viewers.

"Good evening Hapes, today we bring you back once more to the headquarters of Endara Reclaim Industries in the Ket system, where Chief Executive Officer Alarendor Cyrus has recently called a press conference."

The Endara Reclaim Industries logo fades and a smaller display appears to the left showing a podium with three men, one in robes with his face covered and two in suits taking their position on stage.

"We now take you live to the press conference on Ket"

The smaller display enlarges and fills the screen. The camera zooms in and focuses on Chief Executive Officer Cyrus who stands behind the podium.

"Good evening to all and thank you for coming. To some this may seem like déjà vu, as just over three months ago we were right here in this very place as my predecessor, Tovakinpi Tarix Toshikhan was symbolically handing me the keycard to his office and the keys to Endara Reclaim. Since then, Endara Reclaim has continued to strongly grow in its operation capability, its function as not just a recycled driven company, but one that can function with multiple purposes. Along with recycling, Endara Reclaim has further pushed its roles and boundaries and has been in co-ordination with EMC with transportation of materials in the Corsair Outback, as well as co-ordination with the Ministry of Industry on other operations around the Cluster. But all this couldn't have been achieved without the support of my team and I would like to thank them for their great effort over these past months."

Chief Executive Officer Cyrus clears his throat before continuing on.

"With that being said, I would like to move onto the reason why I brought you all here today. Today with great pride, I am announcing that I will be stepping down as Chief Executive Officer from Endara Reclaim and handing the reins over to Mike Garibaldi."

The hooded man standing to the left of screen steps forward and removes his hood, revealing the face of Mike Garibaldi smiling.

"Over the past two months, Mike has been one of the key members of Endara Reclaim, conducting recycling operations of numerous planets throughout the Cluster. He is well versed in leadership, a veteran of the Consortium, a good friend and I am confident the he will continue to lead Endara Reclaim to an even better future."

Alarendor Cyrus begins clapping and is followed by the rest of the audience in the room. He then moves towards Chief Executive Officer Garibaldi and symbolically hands him the office keycard. Fel`da Har Tay, the man to the right steps up to the podium as the Ministry of Industry logo replaces ERI's on the screen behind.

"Congratulations to Mike, I'm confident you will shine in your new position. And thank you Alarendor for the hard work you've put in at ERI," adds Tay as the audience gives another round of applause. "And now for the second announcement: Having proved his talent and dedication, both in his time at ERI and throughout his career, I am pleased to name Alarendor Cyrus as the new Fel`ta of Industry."

Fel`ta Cyrus joins Fel`da Tay next to the podium as they shake hands.

The image returns to the studio with Anacia,
"Stay tuned after the break, as we keep bringing you the latest news from around the Consortium."

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