HNN - New Leadership for Interior

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 21.Sep.2014 - 01:30hrs Author Xesh Randell Comments: 0

The Hapan News Network theme begins to play as Anacia Chalcedon appears on the screen in front of the Ministry of the Interior logo. She smiles as she begins to address the audience.

“Good Evening, Hapes,

Late last month Kal Djin, acting Minister of the Interior, announced his retirement, citing the need for more intensive Force training as well as focusing his time on the needs of the Hapanii For'ta'nix, of which he is one of the three Curia members.

Now we bring you to the Royal Palace, where a new acting Minister of the Interior has just been sworn in."

The screen behind Chalcedon changed to a richly lavished briefing room, zooming in until it filled the entire screen. Fel'da Regalix Cyrus approached the podest. A few steps behind him followed Fel'ta Xesh Randell.

“The year, thus far, has seen many changes as the Consortium continues to grow and build its future," Prime Minister Cyrus began his address. "This day is no different. I am here to announce the new leadership within the Ministry of the Interior. Xesh Randell has shown a lot of potential in his work in the ministry so far and I'm confident that under his leadership Ministry of the Interior will once again rise to the new challenges. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the new acting Minister of the Interior, Fel'ta Xesh Randell!"

The Fel'da Regalix steps aside and motions for the Fel'ta Randell to come forward as the onlookers applaud. Xesh Randell bows as he does so.

“Thank you, Prime Minister. I'm humbled to have come so far in such a short time. Mere two years ago I've hoped to come back home after my walkabout and to be of some use to the Crown, even if only as an enlisted Serviceman in the Royal Navy. Some of you may remember my short stint as an Ombudsman a year later. I was disappointed that nobody stepped forward to carry on that great tradition of service. I certainly hope it wasn't something I said or did during my term." Xesh smiled widely allowing for the few stiffled laughs to die down before continuing.

"I'm fully aware that I'm standing on the shoulders of giants. And all I have to say for myself is... It is a great honour and privilege to serve Rai'ix Chume and all the people of Hapes Consortium. I endeavor to do my best to be worthy of this office and of His Royal Majesty's trust." Fel'ta Randell finished his statement with a bow towards Fel'da Regalix.

The screen fades and is replaced again with the HNN offices and the face of Anacia Chaceldon.

“And this ends our broadcast. We would like to extend our congratulations to the new leadership of the Interior. May they serve with Glory, Honor, and Pride.”

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