Star Home Academy Awards

Category: Members Broadcasted on 09.Mar.2015 - 03:50hrs Author Jessica James Comments: 0

Thanks to Colonel Stylez we now have a chest patch for all those involved in the planning and execution of the Star Home Academy.

With the SHA now going live, thanks to Rillek completing the final steps, I would like to reward the following with said patch:

His Royal Highness, King Kadrim
Colonel Heyallo Stylez
Lt. Cmdr Rhydra Tunant
First Lt. X Halk
MCPO Rillik Rar
MC Quintas Santori
Romar Feren [Retired]
Tal Locke [Retired]
Pral Tyrridon [Retired]
Alarendor Cyrus [Civilian]
Xesh Randell [Civilian]

In the future, any members working at the SHA in an administrative capacity (i.e. training members) will be awarded this patch. When you leave the SHA position, you will retain the patch for your service there.

Congratulations to all above, and above all thank you for your hard work in getting us this far!

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