Sync Digest

Category: Community Broadcasted on 17.Mar.2015 - 17:43hrs Author Jessica James Comments: 0

Not that I plan on getting into the habit of doing a "Sync Digest", but I have done so many updates I thought I make take a page out of the combine. So here we go:

New Features:

Added "Rack Builder" to My Home page.
Rack Builder gives you the ability to sort the order of your ribbons, which you can they use on the forum. If you only have one you won't really need this, but if you have a few this tool comes in really handy to rearrange them all.

Odds on top
To date we had completed rows of 4 ribbons on the top, and the odd numbered ribbons on the bottom. Thanks to Vash and Heyallo I was told the odd go on top, so that was changed as well. For those in the RHAF, make sure you update your board sigs accordingly.

Robin Hood School
You can no longer "graduate" from the school, instead you "advance" to the Star Home Academy.

Star Home Academy
Once you complete all in character training, you will be able to graduate from the Star Home Academy and embark on your career with Hapes. accounts
Accounts that are not accessed within 3 months become "inactive". This means they no longer show up in the list of names to select when writing a ComUnit (one of many examples). It will also stop the happy birthday messages showing up for super old accounts. If your account goes inactive, you simply login again and it changes to active. Administrators also have the option to deactivate accounts, meaning no more logging in unless they unlock it.

Weekend News
The old "graduate list" that appeared in the news was re-written. It now shows advancing students, graduating students, and will also show you returning to activity members as well as divisional transfers that were approved in that week.

Veteran Medal System
Seeing as we only display the latest veteran medal ribbon (chest patch), I have adapted the system to do the same for medals. Your old medal is always replaced with the latest and bestest :P Some of you will see a lot less medals now, but it streamlines the system.

Comunit messages are now forwarded to your email address. This should improve reply time, and allows you to retain a copy of the message. We will be implementing an auto delete system that will delete messages older than a year. Right now we have almost 60000 comunits in the system, with about 50000 being older than a year, so this will tidy up the database a bit.

New medals
You will also have noticed, and thanks to Styles and Lilith for this, that I have added a few new medals to the medals page. These are already fully integrated into the system.

Donation page
As noted in previous post, we now have a dedicated donations page, with the hope of boosting funding.

In the works:

Report in and Merit Management System
I am developing a report in tool directly on the site, which will allow you to complete a weekly report in to your supervisors. They will be able to approve the reports, and assign merits, these in turn are forwarded off to the MotI where things are triple checked. This system will also know which ranks need how many merit points, and from there the system will flag you for promotions. This will eliminate the need to report in on the board for military members, and for civies will simply streamline your supervisors work when adding merits and keeping track of activity.

I think that was it for now...

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