Category: HNN Broadcasted on 04.Sep.2015 - 23:05hrs Author Jessica James Comments: 0

== RHAF Log Work Awards ==

First off, apologies for the late post on this. I have been liaising with the Royal Council and the King to coordinate some posts, but after detailed discussions it has been decided this will be released separately to the other posts.

With that being said, let me lead right in to it... I am proud to announce the conclusion of the RHAF Naval Logistics task! While the odd one of you may still be dropping that final ship off, the massive and at times almost unbearable amount of ships that required moving has come to an end, much sooner than I had expected. This is due to two reasons;

Firstly the person organizing the entire event pulled off an outstanding and applauding performance, and secondly all those taking part performed beyond expectations. I have personally visited his highness, King Zayth, on Hapes Prime last week to inform him of your work.

I’d like to point out that everyone involved in this project played a key role to success. Without everyone’s contribution and hard work we would still be sitting here today staring at the inventory list. I applaud every one of you, and thank every one of you. That being said, some of your names did draw more attention than others, and I’d like to reward those with some medals.

Lt. Cmdr. Rhydra Tunant

Rhydra only recently took on the position of RHAF Quartermaster. The position itself was long overdue, as even I was overwhelmed with the RHAF inventory. She literally stood before a mountain that would need to be climbed. I knew Rhydra would be able to work through it eventually, but I did not expect the passion she brought to the table, and her amazing organizational skills. She has truly blown me out of the water when it comes to the performance expectations I had of her. As the master-mind behind the project I am awarding her the Gold Medal of Tactical Achievement, a medal I have not personally seen in decades. For her dedication and long nights spent in front of a screen making sure everyone was assigned the ships and that they are transported to the correct system I award her with the Draconian Star.

Line Captain Lionola Ayun, Commander Yorr and Lt. Cmdr Vash Reckless

While you three had access to larger ships and were able to transport more at one time, the sheer masses of vessels you moved did not go unnoticed. I think you three managed to speed up the project by weeks, if not months. Your dedication and devotion to getting the task completed is worth nothing less than the Draconian Star, which I am awarding to all three of you.

Lt. Cmdr Gabriel Vos and Ensign Arden Rone

Unlike the three names above you did not have access to such large vessels, regardless of that you both managed to move hundreds of ships in a very short span of time. I was thoroughly surprised at your dedication and how hard you worked on getting the task complete. For this I also award you with nothing less than the Draconian Star.

Master Crewmen Quintas Santori

You were the first member to report in for duty on this project, and the speed at which you worked was fascinating. It was very unfortunate that other events (RL) pulled you away, and your active LOA is still on my desk. I hope you can return to full duty soon, you are an outstanding officer with much potential. For your outstanding performance in the first half of this project I award you with the Military Service Cross

Sub Lt. Kela Moraven and Ensign Sheila Talis

I do believe you were assisting with the Star Home Academy during the first half of the project, and thus were slightly late in joining. None the less you made yourself noticed to your superior officers with your dedicated commitment. I know both of you had some other things going on that pulled you away at times, but you managed to continue to be active in the project and get the task done. For that I award you too with the Military Service Cross.

That my fellow RHAF members concludes the rewards portion of this project. I will add your medals to your profiles over the coming days. Well done to everyone, and thank you for going the extra mile!

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