HNN Sports Update

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 23. June 2006 - 17:05:55hrs Author HNN News Reporter Comments: 0

After commercials, your holoscreen tunes in to your favorite news program "Hapan News Network". The opening tune quiets and the HNN intro logo is replaced by the lovely news anchor Anacia Chalcedon.

"Good evening, fellow Hapans. This is Anacia Chalcedon with the Hapan News Network. We're now turning live to our sport commentator Kaïd Katsumoto who is on Nakatay for the Trans-Nakatay Rally. Kaïd joins us now, standing next to Niram Selena, who has just won the first stage in the Speeder category. Kaïd?"

The image of Anacia in the HNN studio is replaced by a view of Kaïd standing next to a female Twi'lek in a bright green and black racing suit. Behind her stands a rather sharp looking speeder.

"Thank you, Anacia. That's right, I'm here live with Selena of Team Selena who just took the lead in the Rally by winning the first stage."

Kaïd turns to the female Twi'lek. "Selena, after taking the win last year with your three-engined speeder, people had expected you to return with a similar style speeder, however your current one is totally different from that. How come?"

The twi'lek smiles at the question before answering. "Although we won last year, we had some trouble getting all three engines to run smoothly simultaneously. This caused some major stability problems. To avoid such issues this time around, we chose this new model as an alternative."

"I see. Well you lead the pack of all those who tried to copy your design from last year. Upgrading your speeder appears to have been a good move on your part. Did you expect to take the lead so early in the race?"

"Not really. This new speeder model was designed to focus more on straight line speed than maneuverability as compared to last year's design. That being said, I never expected an early lead on this tight course. I was hoping to take the lead later when the track straighten. If I can keep this up, I have no doubt I will take the title again this year."

"Well you got a big victory last year, but the field seems to have caught up technology wise. Who is your main opponent at the moment?"

The Twi'lek moves her lekku around. "I always have to think about the company teams. They have the latest in equipment in terms of good endurance and high reliability. However, with my new speeder, as long as my engine holds I am confident I can stay ahead of them."

"Thank you for this small interview, Selena." Kaïd speaks as he shakes her hand and she moves off. The camera pans to take a full view of Kaïd.

"After the messages we'll be back with the news and results of the other categories."

The scenes cuts to the HNN logo as the themesong plays.

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